Tuesday, 24 April 2012


My love...ok I'm going to say it, my slight obession with Vogue started when I was 17 and I'd already plowed my way through Cosmo, Look, Glamour etc so I decided to give Vogue a read. I remember I enjoyed buying it and pretending I was some sort of fountain of fashion knowledge (I really wasn't). Little did I know how amazing it was! I've got to admit I don't read it back to front and I don't pour over all the articles but I have had my eyes opened to a world of fashion I doubt I would have ever came across otherwise.

Now I pay £60.00 for a 2 year subscription (Barginnnnn) and every month when it gets delivered me and Sally get a little bit overexcited and end up "Ooohing and Ahhing" over basically everything in there (also crying a little because we can't afford any of it...one day, one day.) So, the reason I'm blogging about this is because they've been piling up on my dressing table for months and I couldn't not take their picture but also because I've decided (Sal doesn't know yet) that every month I'd like us to choose our fave look from the new Vogue and see if we can achieve near the same kind of thing with our beloved high street!

Sally's in Uni and work all today but she mentioned blogging about shoes when she gets a chance (she works harddddddd) so keep your eyes peeled for that because it should be really good! :)

Does anybody else have a love affair with Vogue UK or any other fashion mags to suggest? P.s. I know Novembers issue is missing, somebody spilt a glass of water over it, it took every bit of moral fibre in me not to scream at them.

 Love Lizzie


  1. I love reading vogue but I love ELLE too, I always have a bit of a dilemma when I go to WHSmith!

    Take a peak at my blog<3

    Project Rattlebag


  2. Haha I know how you feel! I always feel like I never read ELLE enough.

    I will do, follow ours and let me know what you think when we do our next Vogue feature! :)



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