Sunday, 13 May 2012

Outfit Of The Day

Just a quick OFTD post from me! Our housemate foolishly left her SLR camera lying around so me and Mathilde decided to take the opportunity to take some blog pictures! Amongst er lots of other stupid ones of us jumping around with flowers which I wont put on here!

So this dress has been sitting in my wardrobe for about a month now just waiting for some sun, I snapped it up in HnM and planned to wear it with little brown leather sandles and a pair of sunnies. Obviously I forgot I live in the not so sunny North West/East. In the end I decided that whilst the weathers not so great I'll layer it with a big blazer, belt and boots in Autumn greens and browns to bring it into season (even though I know I should be dressing for S/S it feels more appropriate to be dressing for A/W at the minute!) Anyway, the blazer is from Zara (THE best store for a good blazer in my opinion), belt I found in my mums wardrobe and snook back to Newcastle and boots from Urban Outfitters. Has anyone else given in and worn something you were saving for summer!?

P.S. Me, Sally and Elissa were made fashion editors of our Universities Newspaper this week!!!!!!!! sooooooooo excited to start next September!!


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