Monday, 23 April 2012


Heyyy, so this is us Lizzie (left) and Sally (right)! Just a little introductory post about us, our style and everything else really. I'm Lizzie, I'm from Liverpool which is probably what sparked my interest in fashion and beauty! I'm a second year Psychology student at Newcastle Uni which is where I met Sal! Sally's from leeds and has the most extensive collection of shoes I have ever seen. She studies English Lit and will one day be a PR giant, and that's just us!
 I saw this bag in HnM for £15.00 it's probably one of my best buys for a while, i use it pretty much everyday so working from price per usage it was well worth it!
 Then there's sally's Mulberry (jealous) it kind of puts my little HnM bargin to shame, in Sally's words "this bag is my child" Sum's it all up really.

Love Liz and Sal

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